Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Catching Up - Part 2

Catching up on Aussie Day

Part 2 - Fiji

What can you say about Fiji except how warm the weather and the people are; no wonder it was voted the happiest country on the planet.

After a harrowing 3 hour cab ride we enjoyed water time at Volivoli Beach, near the town of Rakiraki

We took a tour of a local Village - the highlight of our time on the island...

Making the Kava grogg for us to share

If the Village was the highlight of Fiji, this waterfall was the highlight of the Village; we must have spent an hour here.
Scott is getting his safety briefing

Funny how the Locals can always out do you.

Head first into a 7ft deep, 10 foot wide pool - i hit my butt going in feet first!

The boys made this young fellas day and gave him one of their balls
and then we had more fun with it...

Jackson caught his, Scott just missed...

The people from this Village were all from one family

Sunsets and cards

Sunsets, distant rain showers and calm waters

Now on to Plantaion Island
where Kids Club gave Wendy and I peaceful walks on the beach and romanic dinners for two

Do you think Scottie figured out Fiji Time?

Have you ever seen a hotel closer to the airport?

The Fiji experience?  Thumbs Up!

Catching up on much need sleep at LAX after 24 hrs of travel.
We were so proud of our boys, not only on the way home, but through the entire year.
They grew about three inches each, but that was only in height,
their perspective on our World grew too.
Time to go home.

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