Monday, February 7, 2011

One month later...

We have been busy since our last update, these photos begin Jan 11th from Taupo NZ; here are the details...

This was the view out of our Motorhome window one morning in Taupo

Hiking part way up the trail in Tongariro
 National Park

Jan 12 - Traversing from North to South island and passing through the same Straits early Maori and European discoverers sailed

Split Apple Rock in Abel Tasman National Park

Traversing a tidal pool while the tide was coming in - Jackson stayed dry!

Still Abel Tasman - Scott was not so lucky up at Cleopatra's Pool - you can imagine the face that is attached to the tensed hand!

A smooth crossing

View of Anchorage Bay from our hike - Abel Tasman

Racing down Anchorage Bay beach - is it hot or cold out??

"hhhmmm - a little sand in the face, or live to see another day?"

Another overnight locatrion on the way out of Abel Tasman

I love this photo for their nearly identical stride
At some point the waves always get you

Pancake Rocks - close to Franz Josef Glacier

Gorgeous coastal drive down to Hokitika

Approaching the base of Franz Josef Glacier

Scott's new friend at the bottom of the Glacier

Photo by JJW

Coooool!  Ice that is thousands of years old!

Chillin just down from the Glacier, notice the different coloured veins in the rock

The above mentioned coloured rock

Lake Wanaka on the way to Queenstown

Post card country

Queenstown is down by the water - this was our view for the night from the top of the Mtn pass

Icecream and spectacular views of Queenstown - a great day in Jack's books!

Late day photo op on Lake Wakatipu heading out of Queenstown toward Milford Sound

I think this was our nicest view for any dinner - Lake Wakatipu

Misty and Mysterious Milford Sound

You may have to enlarge the photo, but the waterfall in the middle is 160 m high and there is a boat to the left of it - gives you an idea of scale

Mom lovin her boys in the Sound

This is us next to that 160m waterfall

This phot should come after the penquin shots - they were bushed after a big day searching for their favourite animal friends

Mom, dad and 8 week old chick in top left - they are nearly full grown adn molting at this stage, shedding their downy feathers.  You are looking at 3 of about only 3000 Yellow Eyed Penquins left on the planet - the world's most endangered species

Stretching young legs along the coast near Dunedin and the Otago Peninsula

We loved the beaches!  Even if they are cold.

The Moerki Boulders close to Omarau - look it up online if you want to see how the heck these happened - very cool natural formation!

The boulders hatch young boys, fully clothed!

Little Blue's coming back home at dusk after a day feeding at sea

heading into their shelters

Jan 23 - Sorry bout the perspective - We are finally in Sydney!

HUGE Lego displays at the Sydney aquarium

The rest of these are various close ups along the way...

Notice Jackson's Rock at the top of the photo

"Which way honey?"

These boys really do enjoy each others company - when they're not fighting

See y'all again real soon!

1 comment:

  1. We were so happy to hear from you guys! Been thinking about you a bunch this past month, wondering where the Waller adventures had taken you!
    Looks like you've already made many wonderful family memories... lots more to come in the upcoming year!
    Keep the blog rolling!
    Laurie and Roger
