Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back with more

Two postings within  a day; I must be feeling guilty.

Here are various shots we took from one of our bounce/sand/freeze(ha ha) proof cameras...

Day three in Sydney, day one at Bondi Beach boogie boarding

They caught onto catching the white water in about an hour and yes, i did convince them to remove their swimming goggles

Jackson's school swim carnival - besides this relay he entered the 50m freestyle and came 5th in his heat - they swim like fish over here!

More fun at the school swim carnival

For those of you who played "Where's Waller" here are some more shots at field hockey skills day, of which they have done two- notice the canucks socks!

Jack is a natural hockey player - go figure.

Scott was on the opposite team..

... and wasn't givin big bro an inch!

Jack and his good buddy Griffin hangin at the Olympic Park - Scott is part way up.
Griffin was born in Whistler and traded slobber and wet nappy stories with Jack until they moved to Sydney in 2003...

...Now, they have reconnected

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